Whole-Home Indoor Air Cleaning Systems

StratosAire® indoor air quality products are designed based on science and logic, not marketing alone. The result is a whole-house air cleaning strategy that combats all three phases of indoor air pollution in your home.

You’ll enjoy proper airflow, excellent particle control and high-intensity UVC/UVV systems. Combined, these features inactivate some bacteria and viruses under certain airflow conditions while reducing allergens, chemical odors and gases.

Besides freshening your indoor air, installing an IAQ system keeps your system running at factory-fresh conditions and may even lengthen its life span. It may also help reduce breakdowns and service calls. Our Service Experts Heating & Air Conditioning Experts will help you figure out which system makes sense for your home, your needs and your budget during your free consultation.

StratosAire is an established brand that has been producing proven indoor air quality solutions for homes and businesses since 1982. These products have been installed in a variety of applications from schools to nursing homes and hospitals in 17 countries.

IAQ Solutions Packages

Featuring Sterile Sweep® Fixed Mount (FM) & Remote Mount (RM) 120/240 Volt Options.

Select the package that best fits your budget and your needs. Choose from four levels of equipment/health protection:

  • The IAQ 4000 Package


    • Polarized-Media Air Cleaner (P-MAC)
    • 300CFM Bypass HEPA
    • FM2-16/5 or RM2-16/5*
    • Optimum whole-house particle, germ and gas control
    • Fewer cold and flu episodes
    • For severe asthma and allergy relief
    • Controls odors
    • Can control other ailments caused by gas phase contaminants
    • Protects your equipment and prevents paying too much in utility bills
    • Collects 99.97% of particles from 200 to .3 microns
    • Disinfects and deodorizes your air 24 hours a day naturally without chemicals

    *Available in Fixed Mount and Remote Mount options depending on installation.

  • The IAQ 3000 Package


    • Polarized-Media Air Cleaner (P-MAC)
    • FM2-16/5 or RM2-16/5*
    • Excellent whole-house particle, germ and gas control
    • Fewer cold and flu episodes
    • Asthma and allergy relief
    • Controls odors
    • Can control other ailments caused by gas phase contaminants
    • Protects your equipment and prevents paying too much in utility bills
    • Collects 97% of particles from 200 to .3 microns
    • Disinfects and deodorizes your air 24 hours a day naturally without chemicals

    *Available in Fixed Mount and Remote Mount options depending on installation.

  • The IAQ 2000 Package


    • Polarized-Media Air Cleaner (P-MAC)
    • FM1-16 or RM1-16*
    • Excellent whole-house particle, germ and gas control
    • Fewer cold and flu episodes
    • Asthma and allergy relief
    • Controls odors
    • Can control other ailments caused by gas phase contaminants
    • Protects your equipment and prevents paying too much in utility bills
    • Collects 97% of particles from 200 to .3 microns
    • Disinfects and deodorizes your air 24 hours a day naturally without chemicals

    *Available in Fixed Mount and Remote Mount options depending on installation.

  • The IAQ 1000 Package


    • Polarized-Media Air Cleaner (P-MAC)
    • Excellent whole-house particle, germ and gas control
    • Magnetically attracts particles from 200 to .3 microns in size, then electroplates them to the media, preventing release into the air you breathe
    • Can relieve allergy symptoms
    • Can reduce asthma attacks
    • Protects your equipment and prevents paying too much in utility bills

IAQ Solutions Products

  • Polarized-Media Air Cleaner (P-MAC)

    Polarized-Media Air Cleaners use electronic polarized-media technology for maximum air cleaning capability. Active electronic, polarized-media air cleaners use a safe, 24 volt current to establish a polarized electric field.

    P-MAC’s capture the smallest submicron particles, in addition to airborne allergens, and some gases and odors. Polarized-Media Air Cleaners capture 97% of particles at .3 microns and continue trapping particles much smaller in size.

    Polarized-Media Air Cleaners install into existing filter racks, without costly ductwork modifications, turning your home’s central heating & cooling system into a whole-house air cleaning system. And maintenance is a breeze. Each P-MAC uses a disposable replacement media pad which can be replaced in just minutes to keep your air cleaner running at peak efficiency.

    Advantages of Polarized-Media Air Cleaners:

    • Removes mold’s food source
    • 97% capture rate at .3 microns
    • Removes respirable particulates (that are otherwise absorbed into our lungs and bloodstreams to trigger asthma & allergy attacks)
    • Traps some odors and gases (effective removing cigarette smoke, pollen, dust, odors and other contaminants)
    • Brush Seal prevents particle blow-by
    • Heavy duty construction
    • Fast installation
    • Economical operation – low static pressure drop lets blower run efficiently

    Easy Maintenance

    • No washing of components required
    • The disposable fiber media pads require only a few minutes to change
    • Media pads are generally changed every 3 to 4 months, depending on household conditions such as the presence of pets and/or smokers

    Safe, Quiet, Dependable Operation

    • Does not produce ozone or arcing like other electronic air cleaners
    • Does not produce charged (ionized) particles that collect on clothes, walls and furnishings


    • Limited Lifetime Warranty when using only GENUINE replacement media and when serviced as part of a regularly scheduled service maintenance program
  • Sterile Sweep® UVC and Sterile Sweep®Plus UVC/UVV Systems

    Sterile Sweep® Germicidal UVC System and Sterile Sweep® Plus- UVC/UVV Systems offer a versatile, full line of whole-house air purification solutions that install directly into the central heating and cooling system ductwork or plenum. The high intensity Dual-Radiant™ UVC “H” Lamp disinfects the air by neutralizing airborne pathogens including bacteria, viruses and mold. According to the EPA, the combined use of filtration and germicidal UVC light is an effective means of preventing the distribution of airborne viruses in occupied spaces. With ultraviolet light, high output micro-watts translate to effectiveness.

    Sterile Sweep® sixteen-inch (16”) UVC lamps produce a very high output of 180 micro-watts @ 1 meter which is significantly higher than most UVC lamps on the market.


    UVC & Activated Oxygen

    • Controls allergens that cause allergic and asthmatic episodes
    • Controls or inactivates biological growth, bacteria and viruses
    • Controls noxious odors created by pets, smoke, solvents, and carpets
    • Our high-output UVC lamps also sterilize airborne viruses, bacteria and germs as they pass by the lamp in your HVAC system, rendering them harmless and incapable of reproducing.
    • Our high-output UVC lamps are 3.3 times more powerful than standard lamps and will disinfect your air 24 hours a day naturally, without adding chemicals or sprays into your environment.
    • Our germicidal UVC technology is used to prevent the spread of viruses and germs in hospitals and other healthcare facilities.


    • Limited Lifetime warranty on all electronic components
    • Lamp is warranted against defects for two (2) years
  • Series2 300 CFM Bypass HEPA System

    HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Arrestance) filters are used in hospitals and labs because they are considered the best filters on the market today. HEPA filters remove 99.97% of particles .3 microns in size down to 0.1 microns.

    • Pre-filters are replaced every 6 months – quick release door for ease of maintenance
    • HEPA filters last 2 years – 730 days of HEPA-filtered air
    • Optional carbon cell for gas phase absorption – the ultimate protection from VOCs, odors and other indoor chemical off-gassing
    • No added resistance to your HVAC systems air flow – protects the equipment and prevents unnecessary break downs due to poor air flow
    • Quiet fan operation – No added noise pollution to your indoor environment

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